Benefit Details
Helpful information to navigate big changes in your retirement.

Retiree Death Benefit
KPERS pays a $6,000 lump-sum benefit to your beneficiary
When the Time Comes
When you die, your beneficiary will have to contact KPERS to report a death. You can name a person, estate, trust or a funeral establishment to receive your benefit. KPERS does not pay the death benefit automatically.
Retiree Death Benefit flier (PDF)
Info for the Funeral Industry (PDF)
If Your Joint Survivor Dies
Some retirees choose the joint-survivor option at retirement to provide a continuing monthly benefit for someone after the retiree’s death. If your joint survivor dies, be sure to let us know.
Helpful Information & Links
Name a Beneficiary
It’s important to name a beneficiary. You can make changes anytime in your online account or send us a new Designation of Beneficiary form.
Only you can change your beneficiary.
When you change your beneficiary, it cancels all earlier ones. KPERS must have any beneficiary designations before your death for the changes to be effective. Visit for more info about naming a beneficiary.
In general, your benefit is taxable for federal income tax and not for Kansas state tax. Learn more about KPERS & Taxes.
Tax Withholding
The IRS has rules about how we handle tax withholding automatically. But you can control how much tax you have withheld by sending us a W-4P form. You can update it anytime.
Moving? Tell KPERS
It's important to keep your address up-to-date. You can change your address:
- Online
- By email
- By mail (complete a Change of Address form)
Power of Attorney
Be sure to send KPERS a certified copy. This is legally equivalent to the original document, complete with your notarized signature. Without it, KPERS can’t conduct or discuss your retirement business. Even with your family members.
If the document is activated by a specific date, event or condition, your attorney in fact should send KPERS an affidavit stating that it is activated when the date, event or condition occurs. If you revoke your power of attorney, be sure to let KPERS know in writing. These requirements are meant to protect your personal info and to make sure your power of attorney is legitimate.
If the person with your power of attorney will be handling your KPERS business, there are a few things you should know.
Your POA can:
- update your address or other information if it changes.
- conduct banking or account number changes for you.
- discuss KPERS business on your behalf.
Your POA cannot:
- change or remove your KPERS beneficiary.
- designate a new KPERS beneficiary.