When Can I Go?

When is the best time for you to retire? That depends on your age and years of service. You also want to think about your larger financial picture.

male teacher in his 40s in a classroom with highschool students

KPERS 1 (hired before 7/1/09)

When Can I Retire With Full Benefits?

Any Age Age + Years of Service = 85
Age 62 10 Years of Service
Age 65 1 Year of Service

When Can I Retire With Reduced Benefits?*

Age 55 10 Years of Service
If You Retire Early (example)
Age 62 Full benefit = $1,500/month 0% Reduction
Age 60 Reduced benefit = $1,425/month 5% Reduction
Age 55 Full benefit = $885/month 41% Reduction

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

How to Calculate Your "85 Points"

The 85-point rule is when your age and years of service added together equal 85. Every year you work, you will gain two points – one for each birthday and one for the year of service credit. The 85-point rule is only one of the three ways you can qualify for retirement.

*Reduced Retirement Benefits

You can retire at age 55 with 10 years of service, even without 85 points. There is a 0.6% reduction for each month you are between age 55 and age 60, and a 0.2% reduction for each month you are between age 60 and age 62.

KPERS 1 (Correctional A & B)

Correctional members may be eligible to retire earlier than regular KPERS members. To be eligible, you must work in a Group A or B position for at least three years immediately before retirement.

Full Retirement Benefits

Any Age Age + Years of Service = 85 (A/B)
Age 55 3 Years of Service* (A) (*3 years immediately before retirement must be with correctional-covered position)
Age 60 3 Years of Service* (B) (*3 years immediately before retirement must be with correctional-covered position)

Reduced Retirement Benefits

Age 50 10 Years of Service** (A)
Age 55 10 Years of Service** (B)

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

How to Calculate Your "85 Points"

The 85-point rule is when your age and years of service added together equal 85. Every year you work, you will gain two points – one for each birthday and one for the year of service credit. The 85-point rule is only one of the three ways you can qualify for retirement.

**Reduced Retirement Benefits

If you are a Correctional A member, you can retire at age 55 with 10 years of service or early at age 50. There is a 0.2% reduction for each month you are under age 55. If you are a Correctional B member, you can retire at age 60 with 10 years of service or early at age 55, with a 0.2% reduction for each month you are under age 60.

KPERS 2 (hired 7/1/09 - 12/31/14)

Full Retirement Benefits

Age 60 30 Years of Service
Age 65 5 Years of Service

Reduced Retirement Benefits**

Age 55 10 Years of Service

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

**Reduced Retirement Benefits

You can retire at age 55 with 10 years of service.

KPERS 2 (Correctional A & B)

Correctional members may be eligible to retire earlier than regular KPERS members. To be eligible, you must work in a Group A or B position for at least three years immediately before retirement.

Full Retirement Benefits

Age 55 10 Years of Service* (A) (*3 years immediately before retirement must be with correctional-covered position)
Age 60 10 Years of Service* (B) (*3 years immediately before retirement must be with correctional-covered position)

Reduced Retirement Benefits**

Age 50 A**
Age 55 B**

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

**Reduced Retirement Benefits

You can retire at age 55 with 10 years of service.

KPERS 3 (hired Jan. 1, 2015 and after)

Full Retirement Benefits

Age 60 30 Years of Service
Age 65 5 Years of Service

Reduced Retirement Benefits

Age 55 10 Years of Service

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

KP&F (Tier I, Tier II and Transfer)

Full Retirement Benefits

Any Age With 32 Years of Service Tier I
Age 50 With 25 Years of Service Tier I Transfer, Tier II, Tier II Transfer
Age 55 With 20 Years of Service Tier I, Tier II, Tier II Transfer
Age 60 With 15 Years of Service Tier II, Tier II Transfer

Reduced Retirement Benefits

Age 50 With 20 Years of Service Tier I, Tier I Transfer, Tier II, Tier II Transfer

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

Retiring Early

You can receive reduced benefits beginning at age 50 with 20 years of service. The earlier you retire, the more your benefit is reduced. Benefits are reduced by 0.4% for each month you are under age 55 retirement.

Brazelton Members

Same as regular Tier I and Tier II members, except that your monthly benefit will be offset by Social Security.

Special Members

See your local plan provisions.

Combining Service Credit for Retirement Eligibility

If you have service credit with KPERS or the Judges Retirement System, you may be able to combine service to become eligible for KP&F retirement.

Only KP&F service will be used to calculate your KP&F retirement benefit. A separate retirement benefit will be calculated for your KPERS service.

Purchased military service cannot be used to reach retirement eligibility. Other guidelines apply. Contact the Retirement System to make sure you meet the requirements to retire.

Judges (All Appointed & Elected Judges)

Full Retirement Benefits

Any Age Age + Years of Service = 85
Age 62 10 Years of Service
Age 65 1 Year of Service
All judges must retire at the end of the term in which they reach age 75.

Reduced Retirement Benefits

Age 55 to 60 Benefits are reduced by 0.6% for each month you are between age 55 and age 60.
Age 60 to 62 Benefits are reduced by 0.2% for each month you are between age 60 and age 62.

Your Online Account

Your online account gives you secure access to all your account data. You can check things like your contributions and interest, service credit, membership date, final average salary, beneficiary designation and annual statements.

*Reduced Retirement Benefits

You can retire at age 55 with 10 years of service, even without 85 points. There is a 0.6% reduction for each month you are between age 55 and age 60, and a 0.2% reduction for each month you are between age 60 and age 62.