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New to KPERS?

We're here to help you get the most from your benefits.

Group of office coworkers welcoming their new hire.

At KPERS, We Help You Secure Today and Plan For Tomorrow.

We know you’re just starting your new job. So we created this hub just for you. There are a few key things you'll want to do in the next 60 days. Be sure to bookmark this page and come back to it when you have questions. You can also call or email us Monday - Friday, 8 am to 4 pm (KPERS is closed in observation of State holidays).

With benefits like life insurance, disability and death benefits, you’re protecting your financial future for you and your loved ones. Even more, you’re saving with each paycheck for your future retirement.

Hired January 1, 2015 or after?
KPERS 3 Benefits

Kansas Police, Firefighter or EMT?
KP&F Benefits

Elected or Appointed Judge?
Judges Benefits

Are you a returning member?
Learn More

In Your First 30 Days

1. Start By Setting Up Your Online Account

You can create your KPERS online account here. It'll only take a few minutes. If you need any help visit the How-To page to learn more.

  • See your account balance and years of service.
  • Add or change beneficiaries (review these once a year or after any major life event).
  • Calculate personalized retirement benefit estimates.
  • View your member annual statement (available sometime in March/April).
  • Update your contact info.
Graphic of a laptop with pie-charts, graphs in a variety of KPERS branded colors
A young mother outside playing with her two daughters.
Middle aged daugther, hugging her mother in the Kitchen. Middle aged daughter, laughing with father on the couch

2. Name Your Beneficiaries

This next step is super important. It seems weird to think about, but you want to be sure the right person gets your money if something happens.

You can name a person, a trust, your estate or a combination of those three as your beneficiary.

They will receive your basic life insurance, any optional life insurance, and your returned contributions if you pass away. You can add or change your beneficiaries any time in your online account or by completing a new Designation of Beneficiary form.

Please be sure to keep your beneficiaries up to date. Check them at least once a year and any time you have a major life event (new job, moving in together, marriage or divorce, birth or adoption, death in your family).

3. Start Saving On Your Own

KPERS and Social Security won't be enough. You need to save on your own, too. The sooner you start, the more time your money has to grow. That can pay off big in retirement thanks to the power of compound interest. Give Empower's investment return calculator a try to see how much you could earn throughout your career.

You may also want to watch the It's Good to Be Young video to see why saving early is so important.

One of the easiest ways to save is through an optional employer plan, like a 457 or 403b. The State of Kansas and many local employers offer KPERS 457, an optional deferred compensation plan. See if your employer offers KPERS 457 (PDF). You can also check with your employer for options where you work. Or consider opening an individual retirement account (IRA) if that works better for you.

Graph of investment return of a monthly investment of $50, a 6% assumed annual return and a investment period of 40 years. Total Earnings: $95,848 | Total Investment: $24,000

New Hire Coverage

$5,000 to $400,000 in $5,000 increments
Up to $250,000 no health questions, guaranteed max of $250,000

$5,000 to $100,000 in $5,000 increments
Up to $25,000 no health questions, guaranteed max of $25,000

$10,000 or $20,000 with no health questions
One premium covers all eligible children up to age 26

4. Sign Up For Optional Life Insurance, If Your Employer Offers It

KPERS members have basic life insurance equal to 1.5x their annual pay.

Some employers offer Optional Life Insurance. This is extra protection for you, your spouse and/or your children.

  • New hires can get up to $250,000 in guaranteed coverage with no health questions in your first 31 days
  • Annual open enrollment each fall
  • Add or increase coverage within 31 days of a family status change
  • Make changes anytime by answering a few health questions
  • There is no age limit in disabled dependents

In Your First 60 Days

By now, you've probably signed up for health insurance and other benefits with your employer. Have you:

If you have any questions, email [email protected] or call (888) 275-5727.

Member Videos
Welcome videos, KPERS 457, Retirement Income, webinars and more.

Career Stage & Finances
From your first day to your retirement party.

Name Your Beneficiary
Login to your online account or name your beneficiaries with this form.

Flyers & Publications
Publications for all groups, general and more.

Two young coworkers, one female and one male, standing in their office smiling. Two young female coworkers at a computer, one standing and one sitting.
Two women in an office, shaking hands when meeting.

How You'll Hear From Us or If You Have Questions

Your employer will share information with you about your KPERS benefits, including our quarterly active member email and your annual statements. When you’re nearing retirement, please be sure to check out this email series designed just for those 12 months away from retiring. Sign up for the Pre-Retirement emails here.

If you have any questions, email [email protected] or call (888) 275-5727.

Learn More About How KPERS Works.

The Legislature created KPERS to provide retirement benefits for Kansans who dedicated their careers to public service.

Throughout your career, you’ll contribute part of your pay to your retirement. Your employer contributes, too. Then we invest the money to pay you a lifetime monthly benefit when you retire. It’s important to remember that each plan is different. All plans provide guaranteed benefits for the rest of your life.

6% - KPERS & Judges

7.15% - KP&F


You're a KPERS member if you started January 1, 2015, or after. Your KPERS 3 retirement benefit is based on the amount you’ve accumulated in your contribution account and retirement credit account when you retire. Think of these like “savings jars”. In your jar (contribution account) we put your 6% contributions per paycheck. The other jar is filled with credits you’re earning from your employer for each year you work, based on a percentage of your pay. These can only be used at retirement.

For your retirement credits, you start out earning 50 cents to every dollar of your member contributions. That increases the longer you work. The highest amount you can earn is 6% at 24 years of service or more. That's identical to your 6% contribution, a $1 to $1 match. Your employer is also putting money in, to help fund the whole Retirement System. When you retire, we’ll combine your savings jars and use certain factors to calculate your monthly retirement benefit.

Learn more about KPERS 3.

A colorful graphic, with target, safe, money bags, coins and arrows indicating growth behind.

KPERS 1 & 2, KP&F and Judges

If you're in one of these groups, we'll calculate your monthly benefit based on a set formula that varies by plan.

Final Average Salary x Multiplier x Years of Service = Annual Benefit

Learn more about KPERS 1 | KPERS 2 | KP&F | Judges.

A colorful graphic, with target, safe, money bags, coins and arrows indicating growth behind.