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Kansas Legislation

Resources for KPERS-Related Bills

KPERS is governed by State statute. Check here during the legislative sessions to see bills related to KPERS. If you have questions about legislation affecting the Retirement System, contact Jarod Waltner at [email protected] or 785-296-5949.

Top KPERS Bills

House Bill 2086

KP&F coverage for Department of Corrections security officers.
Kansas Legislature Bill | KPERS summary

House Bill 2129

Defining "teachers" as it pertains to the retirement system, transferring active and inactive KPERS 3 teachers to the KPERS 2 plan design, and enrolling new teachers in KPERS 2 starting July 1, 2025. 
Kansas Legislature Bill | KPERS summary

Senate Bill 34

Allowing the KPERS Board of Trustees to invest up to 10% of the KPERS Trust Fund in Bitcoin exchange-traded products. 
Kansas Legislature Bill | KPERS summary