Life Can Be Complicated.
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1099-R Tax Forms Available Now. KPERS mailed 1099-R tax statements in January. Electronic copies are available to download in your online account.
KPERS.ORG is now KSPERS.GOV. Click here to learn more.
We make it easy to be a member.
Working today for your tomorrow.
KPERS Board members serve an important role overseeing operations and safeguarding the System's assets. Retired and active members can run for an elected board position and get involved.
KPERS is governed by State statue. Check out the legislation tracker page during the legislative sessions to see bills related to KPERS.
Read through the topics and find a date/time that works for you.
This site contains certain limited statistical and financial data relating to the activities of KPERS, a component unit of the State of Kansas. It has not been prepared or maintained as a source of investor information and should not be relied upon for investment purposes. Investor information regarding State bonds is available at